This card finally allows is the cheapest of the Death Knights at (5) mana and suffers slightly from this slower meta: the winrate peaks for all 3 game modes between turn 5 and turn 7 at 60-65%. Hero Power (Transmute Spirit): Transform a friendly minion into a random one that costs (1) more. If you can't stand Jade, one of the Non-Jade decks might be right for you! The currently best performing deck is sitting at a close to 60% winrate. Next to Ultimate Infestation and Spreading Plague, Malfurion the Pestilent is definitely one of the major contributors to its success. Jade Druid performance is at an all time high since the release of the expansion. Hero Power (Plague Lord): Choose One - +3 Attack this turn or Gain 3 Armor.

Malfurion the Pestilent (Druid): Game Mode The data used here comes from the 3 day period of August 14th to August 16th. Most of these Heroes are incredibly popular at the moment, but lets take a look at how they actually perform. Each of the nine Heroes received a new Hero card that, once played, transforms the current Hero into a Death Knight, replaces the Hero Power, offers a powerful Battlecry effect and provides 5 armor. Death Knight Hero cards are a new type of card that was introduced with the release of the Knights of the Frozen Throne.