This was recommended by Vasya Kaban but I guess it makes sense as a continuation from the last videos, again I don't really care for paratroopers, they feel a bit too powerful and don't really make for interesting game play, so I avoided them altogether when I made this video.France and Italy have a very small border, and it's on mountainous terrain, France start with a better army, navy and more fighters, but if you can make up the difference in fighters and focus a lot of production on CAS then you can get an advantage in destroying the opponents equipment during skirmishes. if you have TfV, you can release them as a puppet. from there, you can choose to release countries whose territory you own. Shootstaffel - 8 years ago 0 2 As mongolia is your puppet at the start, you must edit the save game file- not sure how you could do this in MP though. click on your flag, and select manage occupied territories. It's only slightly different if you annexed the country, then go to liberate nation in your diplomacy menu and scroll down to create a new nation that is obedient to your dictatorial whims. Edit: You can join another faction like the axis/Comintern if you want to have a hope in hell of keeping your independence, but keep in mind that'd start an early war. Unfortunately, the only way to break free if you're a puppet is start a civil war with your puppeteers. You are his slave, just like a puppet on a string. It means that you do everything he says, he controls your every movement and thought. Just as a puppet's movements are controlled by the puppet master, the 'puppet' in this situation is being controlled or manipulated by their significant other.

How To Stop Being A Puppet Hoi4 In The Name