The kath hounds will drink and fall asleep. Then use the water urn behind you and pour in the juma juice. The female character will dance and Vogga will fall asleep. you will receive a dancer's outfit and be directed to Vogga. Then have either handmaiden mira or some other female charater (not visas) and talk to the person watching three twi'leks dancing and listen to him then offer the female character to dance for Vogga. Keep listening to the men in the flophouse then go to the cantina in the entertainment promenade and talk to the bartender to buy some juma juice (can only be obtained after listening to the men in the flop houses). turn on stealth and walk in where they should talk about a storage room near vogga but you can't enter because 1. First find someone who has stealth and go to the flophouse in the docks and open the first door you see.