All of them were mages, which was another extraordinary thing. They ranged in age from sixteen to nineteen, except for Senior Enchanter Eilfas, whose scraggly beard was more white than brown. There were four of them besides Valya-an extraordinary number of recruits to be taken at once, she’d been told. The fear was there, though, despite their best efforts to mask it. None of that excitement was reflected on her companions’ faces. The thought made her shiver with fearful delight. Ancient stronghold of the Grey Wardens, final resting place for the heroes of ages, first and last bulwark against the horrors of the Blights…and now her home, too.

Brother Genitivi had written in his histories that it was wide enough for three horses to pass abreast, but from where Valya stood, it was so dwarfed by Weisshaupt’s stony bulk that it seemed tiny as her thumbnail.įor weeks she’d dreamed of this place. Beneath them stood a single gate of thick wood and steel. Silver-fringed banners flapped from its towers, their emblems indistinct at this distance, but Valya knew that they showed a steely gray griffon upon a field of blue. Read an extended excerpt of Dragon Age: Last Flight, by Liane Merciel.īacked by the great ivory butte of Broken Tooth, the faraway fortress rose before Valya’s awed eyes.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is here! And, just in case that isn’t enough Dragon Age for you, we wanted to give you a chance to immerse yourself further in the world of Thedas.